Sundarban Tiger Safari Resort
Pamper yourself with amazing hospitality and comfortable stay at Sundarban Tiger Safari Resort. This budget property in Sunderbans is one of the best hideouts for travellers to spend enthralling vacation time in the region. Sundarban Tiger Safari Resort is easily accessible from the Canning Railway Station. Each cottage at Sunderbans Tiger Safari Resort is well furnished and equipped with basic modern facilities like a comfortable bed, attached bathroom and water bottle. This renowned resort in Sunderbans is built and designed keeping the taste and comfort level of the guests into consideration. Along with the best comfort, this staying option in Sunderbans also ensures to proffer the picturesque views of the surrounding, especially during sunrise and sunset time. On the whole, Sundarban Tiger Safari Resort is one of those accommodation options in Sunderbans that are not just perfect to spend a family vacation but are also pocket-friendly.
Hotel Accommodation
As far as the accommodation department is concerned, Sundarban Tiger Safari Resort has a total of 12 cottages. These cottages are well-adorned boasts a good interior and also includes basic modern necessities. Not just this, the resort also ensure timely cleanliness in order to proffer a comfortable stay to guests.
Hotel Facilities and Features
There is a long list of facilities and features of Sundarban Tiger Safari Resort. The resort has its own restaurant that serves some delectable delecacies. Apart from this, the other facilities at Sundarban Tiger Safari Resort are parking, room service, daily housekeeping, travel desk, power backup, pick up and drop and doctor on call.